On thursday morning we went to visit the Favrdalskolen here in Haderslev. It is what the headmaster described as a ordinary Danish primary and secondary school. He gave a little introduction about how the school got to were it is now and how important it is that you have to keep a big school small and nice for the pupils. Because the school is spread over more then 5 buildings surrounded by a lot of green and recreation area. Each building features a certain age group, so children from 6 till 8 are in the same building, children from 9 till 12, etc. It is important that the children are surrounded by a recognizable environment and familiar with the same teachers for several years. We got a tour around the school and they showed us their facilities, we went observating in different classes and saw how children with special needs were being helped by other ‘resource teachers’ and the specified tools were present in the classroom. These children were really included in a normal school system provided with some special needs. After we had seen a big part of the school we were divided in groups and went to a ‘special class’. In these special classes are children how seem to have some trouble with all the general courses, like Danish, English, Mathematics, … there they are guided in small groups by this special substitute.
We were really under the impression of what we had seen this morning in the Favrdalskole. We admired the way you handled and coped with the disability’s of some pupils. And we find it very admiring that all the people (teachers, college children/students) have respect for the special needs of this child/student.
We think Belgium is not quit ready yet for this included education system… because not every school has got the right tools and enough resource’ teachers how can support the child/student with special needs, or how can support the teacher.
(Module 6: Special Needs)

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