We are going to talk about the most nice things of the week. There were three things that were very nice. On tuesday evening we had a big dinner. Everbody had the job to make something typical form his own country. We baked Belgian waffels! The result of the cooking was amazing. We had Spanish omelet, Polish cookies, Belgian french fries, Spanish chorizo, Danish hotdog, Belgian cookies, Czech salat, Belgian chocolat, Norwegian boller, Belgian meatballs, etc.
It was a very nice result! We had a great and cosy dinner. Everybody ate his stumache full! After the dinner we sang some songs together and we had a great time. On Thursday afternoon we visited Ribe all together. We were lucky, because the sun shane! It was very nice to visit something with the whole group. We went to the Viking museum. In the Viking museum, the exhibition for the kids was amazing! They had a whole room where they could play like real Vikings.

They had clothes to dress up, they had castels, they had a kitchen, etc. It was a real paradise for kids! And for us! After that we went for a walk through the city. The city is very small and has a lot of colorful houses. We walked on a bridge of a beautiful lake. It is a very cousy city. After that we went back to school and had a eurovisionsongcontest! First we ate delicious pizza together. After that the contest begon! Every country went for it and everybody had a great show! The atmosphere was very good! In third place Hongary and Poland ended, in secound place Turky ended and in first place Belgium ended! There were 3 groups from Belgium, but our group won! We won with K3! We did the song ‘Van Afrika tot Amerika’. We won a big Easter basket! After the contest there was some live music and it was a great party!

Thank you Jette and Charlotte for the nice week.
(Module 4: International week)
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