donderdag 25 maart 2010

Climate friendly cooking

A few weeks ago we got together with some Danish students who study Health and Nutrition and they were going to help us make a Climate Friendly Meal. So we parted in little groups and discussed what was typical Danish food and food from our country, we also talked about how we can understand the term Climate Friendly Cooking. We came to the conclusion that using season vegetables, fresh products and products that don’t need to be imported or be transported from another country can also help keeping the environment healthy.
Then we had to split up in groups of four, twee foreign students and two Danish students. We had to talk about what we would like prepare for our group and we decided to make a vegetable lasagne.
Last tuesday our little cooking group got back together and we made a shopping list. Then we went to Fakta to got everything we needed: sun dried tomato’s, milk, butter, onions, …
Wednesday was the big day, THE cooking day. We got together discussed who was going to make what… In less then one hour our vegetable lasagne with spinach sauce, tomato sauce and cheese sauce was in the oven. Because we had so much spare time until our lasagne would be ready we decided to make some pancakes with the leftovers.
After 2 hours of cooking the buffet was ready and we could start eating. It was really delicious, there was so much diversity. We had tagine, vegetable lasagne, Spanish omelette and red berry with cream + pancake dessert. Mmmmmm.. it was a really nice meal and it was nice to get together with some Danish students as well!

zondag 21 maart 2010

The international week

We are going to talk about the most nice things of the week. There were three things that were very nice. On tuesday evening we had a big dinner. Everbody had the job to make something typical form his own country. We baked Belgian waffels! The result of the cooking was amazing. We had Spanish omelet, Polish cookies, Belgian french fries, Spanish chorizo, Danish hotdog, Belgian cookies, Czech salat, Belgian chocolat, Norwegian boller, Belgian meatballs, etc.
It was a very nice result! We had a great and cosy dinner. Everybody ate his stumache full! After the dinner we sang some songs together and we had a great time. On Thursday afternoon we visited Ribe all together. We were lucky, because the sun shane! It was very nice to visit something with the whole group. We went to the Viking museum. In the Viking museum, the exhibition for the kids was amazing! They had a whole room where they could play like real Vikings.
They had clothes to dress up, they had castels, they had a kitchen, etc. It was a real paradise for kids! And for us! After that we went for a walk through the city. The city is very small and has a lot of colorful houses. We walked on a bridge of a beautiful lake. It is a very cousy city. After that we went back to school and had a eurovisionsongcontest! First we ate delicious pizza together. After that the contest begon! Every country went for it and everybody had a great show! The atmosphere was very good! In third place Hongary and Poland ended, in secound place Turky ended and in first place Belgium ended! There were 3 groups from Belgium, but our group won! We won with K3! We did the song ‘Van Afrika tot Amerika’. We won a big Easter basket! After the contest there was some live music and it was a great party!

Thank you Jette and Charlotte for the nice week.
(Module 4: International week)

zaterdag 13 maart 2010

Cycling to Ørby

Today we took the bikes to the sea! We won the big fight with all the hills and saw the sea. We were hoping for at least 1 bar at the sea, buth there was nothing... Buth we enjoyed our trip! It was a lovely, buth exhausting journey!

Visit Favrdalskolen Haderslev

On thursday morning we went to visit the Favrdalskolen here in Haderslev. It is what the headmaster described as a ordinary Danish primary and secondary school. He gave a little introduction about how the school got to were it is now and how important it is that you have to keep a big school small and nice for the pupils. Because the school is spread over more then 5 buildings surrounded by a lot of green and recreation area. Each building features a certain age group, so children from 6 till 8 are in the same building, children from 9 till 12, etc. It is important that the children are surrounded by a recognizable environment and familiar with the same teachers for several years. We got a tour around the school and they showed us their facilities, we went observating in different classes and saw how children with special needs were being helped by other ‘resource teachers’ and the specified tools were present in the classroom. These children were really included in a normal school system provided with some special needs. After we had seen a big part of the school we were divided in groups and went to a ‘special class’. In these special classes are children how seem to have some trouble with all the general courses, like Danish, English, Mathematics, … there they are guided in small groups by this special substitute.

We were really under the impression of what we had seen this morning in the Favrdalskole. We admired the way you handled and coped with the disability’s of some pupils. And we find it very admiring that all the people (teachers, college children/students) have respect for the special needs of this child/student.
We think Belgium is not quit ready yet for this included education system… because not every school has got the right tools and enough resource’ teachers how can support the child/student with special needs, or how can support the teacher.
(Module 6: Special Needs)

How to survive in Denmark...

What we have learned in Danish last week and today:
People here always treat you with respect, the least thing we can do is try to show some respect for their language and culture… so it would be nice if we could do that by trying to have a little conversation with them.. How are they?

Hvordan gar det?
- Det gar skidt.
Hvad for det?
- Jeg er syg.
Hvad fejler du?
- Jeg er forkolet. Jvad med dig?
- Jeg er glad, tak!

This week we had to bring a recepy that describes a typical meal for our home country, Belgium. We choose ‘hutsepot’. Hutsepot is a vegetable stew witch you eat with sausage and mustard. The task we got was looking for al the ingredients in magazines or promotional leaflets. After we got all the ingredients we had to stick them on a large piece of paper and write down the names of each ingredient in Danish. So we would learn what onion, potato, … is in Danish and look it up on the internet. This was a good exercise because when we go out shopping for grocery’s we kind of know what something’s are called in Danish.
(Module 1: Comparative Studies)

zondag 7 maart 2010

Notch conquers Tribunen..

At a local pub in Haderslev there was this little gig planned from a Danish band called Notch. Five local students got together a few years ago and decided to make some good ‘svedig rock musik’. Most of the time they covered songs from Foo Fighters, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Muse, … and they do it quit well too! But in between they played some own Danish songs as well, those were also really good and it was nice to hear. It’s funny because it sounds so different but then it’s also so normal! There was a good atmosphere.. everybody was drinking a beer or had a smoke outside while you could enjoy the music. But I find it a bit striking that singing along is not that common her in Denmark, thank God we Erasmus’ers were there! We had a blast and we are definitely up for more Danish rock/pop music…

Goodbye spring, hello winter... again.

After the snow disappeared we thought that the Spring fanally concerd Haderslev… birds whistling, no more fall down’s, sunbeams fill the perfect sky… but no no no!! That was without the cooperation of the weather Gods! On an almost perfect Friday afternoon it suddenly started snowing again and it kept snow for hours and hours. What once was a perfect green landscape vanished in one big whit carpet! Winter has overcome (again)
The next day everything was white, white, white but there was this marvellous sun and beautiful blue sky that filled the air… it was almost magical! To beautiful to waste this moment. So we got together with some Erasmus students and decided to go sliding of hills. And so we did.. sliding with sac’s and sleighs. We had the most fun, it was so nice, so lovely.. it felt like heaven. To good to be true! Although we were sick and tired of all the snow it was the perfect adventure to close this chapter, chapter Winter!

Check out this slideshow of pictures FUN IN THE SUN.. (special special thanks to METTE!!):