When we think back of this module we have to admit we don’t remember that much of it because it was a very theoretical subject. And although the subjects we’ve discussed during the lessons were quit interesting we would really recommend to make these lessons shorter because you loose your concentration after a while.
But know we are thinking back of all the things we remember that we have seen in citizenship and globalisation.
We remember that we had to sit together in these small groups and make our own government. We had to rule a land and make a stat plan. And so we made this kind op pyramid were we decide what is the most important and what is less important when you are a king, president or prime minister. We really struggled while we were searching for the right solution: heath, money, education, work, …
In another lesson we discussed individualism, collectivism, egoism and atheism.
We talked about what it was and how it could be connected, like atheism + collectivism = socialism. We discussed these words, how we understood them, etc. and then we had to try to fit in some educational situations, habits or rules.
For example the combination egoism + collectivism = nationalism (thinking only about yourself) and it can remind you of a group of bullies in a school.
This was interesting but very difficult because several school situations or facts could go in several groups.
We also learned a lot more about citizenship and globalisation, but it is to much and to complicated to explain it all to you.
(Module 3: Citizenschip and Globalisation)
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