dinsdag 2 februari 2010

Denmark, first impression

Flew from Brussels 7 o'clock in the morning to Copenhagen: We arrived here in Denmark around 9 o'clock. Then we still had a long journey ahead of us, train, bus and taxi Tina. Tina, is our Buddie (she's a local and she helps us out while we are staying here): She brought us to our appartement. Our adventure could continue packing things out, getting all settled and shopping for food. We were completly exhausted, so no exploring the city for that night. After a goodnightsleep we had breakfast together and left for the city. After a 30 minute walk ze finaly reached the centre of the city. The city centre is very charming.
All little shops, a small movie house and a lake were people were ice skating. But after walking so long, our feet got really cold. We really underrestimated the temperatures here but luckly there was the sun who kept us 'warm'.
Sunday was a bit of a lazy day. We didn't do anything except cleaning the appartement, decorating our rooms and making delicious spaghetti.
Happy and fullfilled ze got to bed because tomorow was our first day, our first day of our Erasmus Adventure... meeting the other students!

1 opmerking:

  1. Ola Ijsbeerinnen!!!!

    Ook verbrand van deze namiddag opt strand te liggen? Wij alvast wel mwhuahaha!
    Maar ben er zeker van da junder daar de tijd van junder leven ed!!! We vroegen ons ten eerste af hoe het gaat met onze sjoe's in denmark? en ten tweede, hoe krijgen junder zovele foto's op junder blog? totsiens maatjies!
